I think there is no question that we're heading for a crash. The question is, how many will be awake and ready to bolt off the plane, and how many will sleep through it to their doom?

Me & my Austrian buddy have talked about this for a long time, a reset is inevitable. Regardless of whether you're in Europe, America, or elsewhere, the system is too far gone. Anything we do today, is just delaying the inevitable. The Great Reset isn't going to be what the power brokers of the world hope it is, they're not going to hit the button and reset the world into their vision of utopia. I think the Great Reset is going to be a purging fire that burns governments, societies and cultures to the ground. I don't think the power brokers win in the end, I think ultimately they're too arrogant and incompetent to pull off what they want. Too many moving pieces they cannot account for. I think it ends in fire and rope, and ultimately humanity ends up being better for it.

It'll be a rough ride, but those who have a plan to escape the pending crash? They're going to have a chance. OR maybe I'm full of it, and need to work on my gulag survival skills.

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Do everything you can to get ready. These people don’t have our best interests at heart.

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You Dad had excellent advice.

In a chemical event an old mentor told me

1. Get Clear

2. Head up wind.

We ran all sorts of drills were we assembled in "evac areas" that were on the plant property and probably within the danger zone. But my old mentor's advice ran true the day I was in a plant that had what we kindly call an event.

We are heading to an event now.

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Excellent advice. I love those old guy mentors.

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I bet he was a great hang.

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The Soviet system fell when their soldiers would not shoot protestors. The Chinese troops first sent to Tiananmen Square wouldn't shoot either. Can you imagine American soldiers being LESS reluctant to shoot their own than Russians and Chinese? Yes, yes, the Regime is trying to scrub the armed forces of political unreliability. Do you really think they will succeed better than the Communists did, with all their assets, history and ruthlessness?

I would not be surprised if, should the Regime turn its soldiers against the people, they were to suddenly find they didn't have soldiers any more. In that scenario, this could be over relatively bloodlessly.

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The reasons they do these things are two.

1. The thought leaders never have to do the work. Dump it on LE and let them take the hit.

2. They do these things because they are not afraid to do these things.

How to fix?

Make them afraid.

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I don't know if it's so much the world crashing down around us, or that it's just curtain falling to show the Wizard for what s/he/it truly is. People need to wake up!

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With more people like you speaking up . . . Maybe more and more people will start to wake up. Christ never backed down from speaking the Truth. Neither should we.

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I was telling my students that the Seventies were a deeply stupid time. I grew up there; I saw it. One of them said, "It still is." And she's right: it's a lot like the Sixties and Seventies, the last time the Democrats ran things into the ground.

In 1960, the Democrats stole the election with the help of Chicago's mobbed-up government. They went on to start the Vietnam War, the insane Great Society, and kick off the devastating riots of '68. Eventually, people got sick of their crap and elected Nixon anyway, even over their corrupt city governments.

We could do the same again.

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I tell mine "it was a kidney stone of a decade*, and you really don't want to relive it." Had some good music (some really bad too, as usual), but that's about all.

*Even Garry Trudeau recognized that -- that's where I borrowed the line, from one of his periodic "Mark Slackmeyer tends bar at a Walden class reunion" strips of the era.

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