It’s Live on Amazon!!!
Will there be an audiobook? I've been saving an Audible credit just in case.
Yes there will be, but not sure yet when Podium will be putting it out. Our guess is possibly a few months from now but we’ll keep you guys posted once we know.
Congrats on publication, Nick and Medusa! Looking forward to the dead-tree version!
Thank you! Inbound!
Will it be smuggled in by a Naseen freighter, though? That's the question! (Wrong universe, I know . . . )
Thank you so much for the signed copy. Did I miss a survey asking for my shipping address?
This. Looks. Awesome.
Just ordered it (and the first, which I haven't read yet).
Read it ASAP. You’ve gotta find out what happens on crash, Avalon, call it what you will
Will there be an audiobook? I've been saving an Audible credit just in case.
Yes there will be, but not sure yet when Podium will be putting it out. Our guess is possibly a few months from now but we’ll keep you guys posted once we know.
Congrats on publication, Nick and Medusa! Looking forward to the dead-tree version!
Thank you! Inbound!
Will it be smuggled in by a Naseen freighter, though? That's the question! (Wrong universe, I know . . . )
Thank you so much for the signed copy. Did I miss a survey asking for my shipping address?
This. Looks. Awesome.
Just ordered it (and the first, which I haven't read yet).
Read it ASAP. You’ve gotta find out what happens on crash, Avalon, call it what you will