The sequel to Strange Company has launched and it’s ready for you to Get It On. I keep it quiet for the first week because I think social media actually hurts book launches. The Amazon algo needs actual genre readers for a book to go viral. Go to social media with your launch and you get too many friends, relatives, and same minded acquaintances who don’t actually read the genre of the book you’ve just written and even if they just look at the page it quickly destroys the launch. So, I stay quiet for a bit and post coffee memes and Gumby pics.
But I can share Voodoo Warfare with you here, today. Ssshhh. If you dug Strange Conpany One, get the sequel now, and thank you for doing so. Insiders you have a physical SIGNED edition coming your way.
Will there be an audiobook? I've been saving an Audible credit just in case.
Congrats on publication, Nick and Medusa! Looking forward to the dead-tree version!