Fun times. There was an AWACS plane circling over Des Moines last week; natch, USAF said it was routine training and there was no EW operators on board. Mmmkay.

You're right. The bully needs a bloody nose, before the relationship devolves into a 1984 NBC Farrah Fawcett TV movie.

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Really? I remember seeing some of those back in the day.

And I guess Bidet finds us all terrorists. That is on purpose. Note all the anti terror laws and what they can do with them.

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Re: beating the F-15s..there was a guy on tweeter who posted short scenarios of post-govt takeovers. Wish I could remember the name because they were really good. One of the scenes was locals with a loudspeaker in the woods near the nat guard camp "attention: Cpl Smith - and his family - live at 1234 Main Street and his house is currently undefended". Good luck keeping guys on base/duty! They'd go awol every night!

Thanks again and have a great and frosty weekend!

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I think your found your sign off. "If you're the FBI, screw you and the horse you rode in on."

Made me laugh.

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Whelp, you have #PedoHitler trending and Florida Georgia Line breaking up. FJB wants Trump arrested. September is going to be an absolute shit show.

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Patriot Front false flag in 3… 2…. 1….

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