Article about Pfizer changing vax formulation for kids: Why has Pfizer changed the formulation of its Covid-19 Vaccine for Children to include ingredient that stabilises people suffering a Heart Attack?

A document prepared for the FDA Advisory Committee meeting, in which members voted seventeen to zero in favour of giving emergency use authorisation for the administration of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to children aged 5 to 11, confirms that Pfizer have modified the formulation of their injection for children to include an ingredient that reduces the acidity of blood and is used to stabilise people who have suffered a heart attack…


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Extremely interesting article that breaks down the fact that 100% of COVID deaths in the US were from just 5% of the vaccine batches: https://theexpose.uk/2021/10/31/100-percent-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-caused-by-just-5-percent-of-the-batches-produced/

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Just looking at this makes me think that is a lulling tactic. It's only 5%.... Across what 4 different vaccines. I find it difficult to believe. I find it more believable that this adversely affects 5% of the people simply because those people were more Culver e to the immediate effects and strain this out upon their systems. That I find believable.

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Culver is supposed to be susceptible

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Cerebral science fiction is always a risky business. Most people don't have the patience nor the ability to comprehend films like these. If that sounds pretentious, you might be in that group of "most people." So far, Dennis Villeneuve has made three such films in a row. I can't decide which is best, but when they are all this good, who cares. I'm relieved Nick got it.

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Have you re-watched the old Lynch Dune again now that you're older and have more patience?

Must disagree with you on the Villadude as "complete sci-fi". I think it touched on a pure sci-fi note, and there were definitely elements that were awesome, and which almost let me overlook the bad, but the points where I disagree:

1) it's sci-fi(+) where the plus is the inclusion of "diversity", "environmentalism", and "oppression" messaging. to me, it really takes away from the story that those things were specifically included.

2) the music, as with new blade runner, was extremely overbearing, and often had ear-piercing volume changes punctuating otherwise decent musical themes. was it good music, and entertaining? sure. but, much like Nick's caffeine fueled belly laughs on the podcast that burst your ear drums if you're not careful, there is a detracting element.

3) the extensive underutilization of real-estate, both aboard ships and at large.

4) the acting. definitely not into the acting for paul, jessica, yueh, thufir, duncan... Most of the core Atreides cast. I can see how people into opera would be more into the acting style and even cinematography in this new movie, but the casting and the acting were far from good enough for this story, in my opinion.

Definitely hated the casting for paul. Much too weak (mentally & physically), scrawny, and shifty/emo looking to be the kind of paul with such training and confidence. Never seen a martial artist/wrestler teenager look so ... uncommitted.

I half-way agree w/ the Vladimir Harkonen evaluation. The old was a little too giddy insane, the new was a little too somber. Even his rage was cold and to me that fell flat.

dune rant over...

The unfortunate thing about the bad batch theory: If they lie about this and don't come clean, how can anybody who values truth ever trust them again? I'm already going to have to give the pediatrician a serious talk about vaccines... and now.. the obgyn? Then what? :\ They may eventually try to kick me out of coverage...

I am not sure it will be "crazy" but I know the evil side is waiting to see if their cheating methods still work in the next few weeks. It's not quite bated breath, but they are definitely hoping the cheating is enough to keep them in.

re: article, 17-0... wtf? Still puzzled that a nurse with 3 kids can't wait to give it to their 5 yr old, given the data. Maybe they don't read much.

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Good points. The agenda was so thin I barely noticed it and instead dug on the atmosphere. The rest… ymmv, buts it’s the best we’ve had in a long time.

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Mostly agree. I am definitely hyper sensitive, especially now that there's a youngn. It feels like a moral obligation to be aware of the messaging so I can deprogram when necessary.

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Nailed it. That’s exactly the way to do it and you’re so right. That child is their goal.

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To counter all of the claims made by people of "I'm a [so-and-so] with butt-loads of degrees," I am a high school science tutor for a major homeschooling publisher with both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Science Education. I DO NOT trust this Covid vaccine, and I haven't since they started talking about it back in 2020. I can still remember watching NHK World Japan back in December of 2019 and January of 2020 and hearing them talk about this new "coronavirus" and how contagious it was. Even then, I started having these dark thoughts cross my mind. I was not shocked when the whole "pandemic" was created. But, I'll tell you what, my wife and I felt very alone at times during the whole thing. It really seemed like everyone around us bought into it hook, line, and sinker. Thank you so much for this podcast! It is so refreshing to know that so many of my countrymen still think for themselves and still fundamentally distrust all government officials. I gladly support Ctrl Alt Revolt, and I will continue to do so!

BTW, if you liked the Dune movie, have you ever read "The Book of the New Sun" by Gene Wolfe?

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Not going to lie. I wasn't going to see Dune in the theater, but after your review I'm going to the nice theater over the Holidays to enjoy it

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Just started listening to you two recently and I gotta say yer one of my favorite podcast. Now I want some homemade Mac n Cheese!

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