Could the actions of the Feds and the rest be a test run to show that they will respond to anything real or imaginary as long as they themselves believe their own fear-mongering?

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Very good, yet sobering, podcast. We've gotta take the developing situation seriously. What's happening is not normal. I'm doing my best to prep my family for "whatever" may come. I ordered a 4-week supply of Emergency Preparedness Food from www.mypatriotsupply.com. I'm gonna try to get more. I'm looking into solar-powered charging devices for emergency use. Stocking up on water - just in case the water lines get cut. Little things that I never thought about before . . . even though I live in hurricane country! Thank you both for constantly bringing these things to our attention. There are not too many podcasts!

Over the weekend, we celebrated my son's birthday, and his grandpa gave him his first Red Ryder BB-gun. My son was absolutely ecstatic to use his "big boy" gun! We had a blast. Make time with your families while you can! Nothing is more important.

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Most of the freeze dried stuff is out of the price range of normies. But we'll get by with canned foods and dry goods. Best some of us can do.

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Freeze dried is good to supplement other stuff, in my opinion. Frankly it's not all that good, but to help make your supplies stretch, it's fine.

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Best words describing this so far... not sure if it would ever change minds, but similar to your skin in the game take:

"If this were a Hollywood Movie, and someone was saying 'its not about freedom' and trying to do everything they could to make people do something with billions of dollars at stake, and the other side was just everyday people saying 'no, thanks' and getting fired or framed as terrorists.... which side would be the bad guy?"

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ante up on this: one side wanted to put people into camps

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Sobering cast indeed. I've been stocking up on various items for the past few years. Nothing obvious, just grabbing an extra couple of cans of soup or veggies if it's on sale, that kind of stuff. I have a fairly good pantry. I doubled down at the beginning of covid. Now I'm doubling down again including water sources, freeze dried foods, various other stuff. Might be very spooky in a few months. Thanks for a great weekend cast!

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I am doing that too, but it will never be enough.

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