Nick, you called it, I just read that the US State Department is actively working to block private extractions of Americans from Afghanistan by private operators. Going as far as to asking surrounding countries not to allow any private aircraft or vehicles carrying Americans entry. You called it on how they would react.

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I have worked HAZMAT in the past. There is a cold, hard, policy we had. If someone goes down in a hazardous area, you do not retrieve until you secure the area. There are many cases in hazardous atmosphere where the "rescuers" die with the ones they are trying to rescue. It may be similar thinking.

But it is Sunday and I want to an optimist.

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Glenn Beck, a man I normally write off as a whackadoodle, had the ambassador to Macedonia reach out to stop him. They weren't even bringing them home, just out of the Stan.

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Biden killed kids


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Agreed. Our government sucks. I hate it. Over the past six years I've become red-pilled. Learned, eyes opened. All the stuff they did and tried to do to Trump. They spy on everyone! A cheated election. Now here we are at this colossal f-up and dead soldiers.

Today, to me it doesn't matter which side of the aisle they are sitting on. They are all scum. I wish we could call a Convention of States and change this. I'm so pissed and disappointed.

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The trans group is going to destroy the LGB movement in the UK


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Nick, a friend of mine is thinking the same thing as you on the vaxx. He works in life insurance, so sees data we don't. Doesn't make him right, just thought I would share.

"Here’s my theory. Everyone who got the shot is fucked. Bill Gates has been pushing depopulation for a long time. China creates a virus then releases it. They hand over the genome to the drug companies. The mRNA treatment has NEVER worked in any study I can find and actually makes you more susceptible to viral infections. There have been more than 14,000 permanent injuries in the USA. So this virus is essentially a gene treatment as it not only causes your immune system to create protein spikes, but also a lot of other cells. And they don’t stop. These spikes float around in your body damaging cells. They’re basically needles. These things can alter dna by themselves so I expect a ton of autoimmune disorders, cancer, mental illness, etc to crop up in the next 2-10 years. Millions will die. Most will be the vaccinated.

I think the booster and variants are because they need to accelerate the end. They will say they had no idea this would happen. But in the same breath say it’s a mixed blessing because now the cities aren’t so crowded.

Meanwhile I don’t think China has immunized as many people as they say they have. Wait until we are weak then attack. It’s a perfect plan."

I hope you are both crazy, cause my wife took my kids in for the jab, Doctors backed that one and I was out voted.

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My new hero is this guy!


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These podcasts are always so uplifting. 🙃 Well it's not over yet. It's never over.

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Studying our future....


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