Here’s the link to the Franklin Coverup Documentary Nick mentioned that we watched last night.


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last few minutes are telling: "if you control the media, the justice department, the police, you control the system" ... "in each case it was the press that exposed the problem, it wasn't institutions of governement, they had been corrupted, they had been compromised..."

So yes, now we know why the media is now under their control. Last bastion against them. All that's left is the rank and file violence.

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The press at the time were controlled to. It was local to me.

I grew up just outside of Omaha. We knew guys who went through Boys Town. Met them in 4H at the state fair. Met them at camps in the summer. They talked about parties, where things happened. This was in the 90's around the time the video was made.

One guy in particular felt that if he said anything, he would be killed. He married, lived in the area for a while, but last I heard was in Ft Collins.

This stuff is what I heard as a teenager. I had family in law enforcement, who would say "Don' t EVER go to a party paid for by a politician or local celebrity. Never let your friends go either. No one can protect you." My late uncle was a State Trooper, and while he could not talk about the investigation he was VERY angry how it was handled.

In 2015, when Trump was running, a friend's father said "Trump will not put up with child abuse. He will go after them!" Investigations, arrests, Epstein, all happened because Trump forced to go after leads decades old. My friends father had served under Bush, and still had contacts at the DOJ. He was VERY happy that cases that he was not allowed to pursue (national interests) were being aggressively addressed. The sex slave traffic through I80 was busted.

It stopped on January 6.

Remember that. Love Trump, or hate him, Trump decided to go after abuse. He tried to protect children abused by those who cared for them.

And it all ended.

I am a fan of history. This stuff is not new. Not unique. Common to the rich and powerful who have no check on this earth for their lusts. The Isle of Capri. The Sun King. Stalin. Mao. Read the history of what these men (and some women) did. Excused because they were powerful. Excused because they were rich.

But as a Nebraskan, as an American, we should be better. I demand we be better. I don't care if you are Democrat or Republican. We protect our own. Protect the children.

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Will watch it. Like I said it was local to me as a kid. Close enough I knew of some of the people.

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Asshole Super Storm and Assnado will be ulmination of my new T-shirt Empire

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I want "Living the Introvert Life " the discussion about coming back to your home town and talking to people is my experience. I love my home town, but after going out during deer season I need to sit alone in a deer stand to decompress.

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Make it so!

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Luke 17: 1-2, "Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

We need a lot of millstones . . .

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My wife and I both agree that we are very thankful we are not judging these people.

I would be willing to carve mill stones. I am an engineer who deals with mills all the time.

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So very thankful for God's long suffering.

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China is in trouble but is trying to position itself as an empire of the future before everything collapses by placing growing and sustainable chinese enclaves in poor countries that won't stop it while china is "helping" and can't stop it after collapse. I don't think the china issues have that much to do with dem shenanigans - they just coincide because each side is always angling to look for a stepping stone, as it were.

I'm still sometimes surprised no whistle blowers at FBI re: children or coverups. Quite odd, unless they vet for criminally-minded before promotion. will watch doc tomorrow while working.

Kind of makes sense that the evil despotic side can't love the big bad coof any more than they do.. gives your criminal militia cover for both actual crimes and incitement, kills off the law-abiding and many "intelligent" 'science believers", all while making the rest of the population vitamin deficient, fat, and lazy (cattle, ready for herding and slaughter).

Good long podcast. appreciate the biography. Sounds kind of idyllic. :)

I keep saying similar things about the sporting times. "This is how you get dead criminals/homeless/etc in the streets" as the gov continues to reduce measures to keep the streets clean.

See you next time.

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Does the Delta variant actually exist? They poisoned folks in the 20s by spiking alochol during Prohibition.

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Sir, madam, I have come to simultaneously anticipate dread your podcasts.

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Obfusticated? I like it… 😏

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I loved the asshole apocalypse you mentioned. The vortex of asshatery is real and should never be ignored! Now here me out, Nick. You mentioned the tornado... so what about this... Jelly-Gator-Nado! It'll be huge!! Florida Man? Check! Evil jelly fish? Check! Tying into the Sharknado franchise love? Check! We could be rich, the SciFi Channel will beat our door down for the rights! What do you think? :P

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Does the Delta variant actually exist?

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Sounds more like it is an excuse.

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Haven't had a chance to listen yet . . . will do that in the morning at work. Just wanted to drop a thank you note. You guys work incredibly hard to make our subscriptions worthwhile. Thank you so much!

Also, I got my GE charge pack today. It is beautiful! My four-year old son is already trying to claim all of the swag!

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Another mind blower guys. One thing about China - if it gets desperate and things might disentegrate I believe they will go to war with someone to "save their nation" and unite their people. They have plenty of choices... with Taiwan at the top of my list. But they have already attacked Viet-nam once in a border disppute and Indis several times. Thye are an empire and empires gotta grow. The question is if they do this... how will we (the USA) react? Especially if out politicians are indebted to the PRC. Either financially or with photos and video's or both?

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What step is ratting people out, again?


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I just clicked on this link and my jaw literally dropped!

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The about section states that this is satirical. I didn't scroll down far enough into the about section to see that part.

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Oh, I just saw this now, lol!

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This doesn't look like it's satire, though: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3001369

What we need is anti-scientist hate-crime legislation. That's the ticket.

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Shields and Yarnell were awesome in the podcast! Such insight.

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Possibly best thumbnail yet. Not the most flattering, but shining personality. Will comment again after listen.

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