The pronoun thing drives me up the wall, because it defeats the entire purpose of pronouns. Pronouns aren't for the person you are speaking about; they're for the benefit of others (unless you speak to each person in the third person as if he isn't there).

Using incorrect pronouns, or plural pronouns for the singular (English has a neuter third-person pronoun and it is he), makes the content of what is being said or written a PITA to decipher.

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There is no doubt in my mind that this election was crooked. The only question is, just how crooked was it? At the very least the results were swayed with what they did with mail in ballots, they slapped that system together in a few months, threw it out there and knew who it would benefit. It was easily exploitable, and that was the point.

But did it go further? Were their backup schemes? I think gerrymandering at the local level is a lot more common than most people realize, or want to realize. In some places, its just how you do business. The real question is, are the charges of gerrymandering in the critical swing states genuine? And how far do they go? That I do not know.

What I do know is that on election night, things got weird. I've watched every election going back to Bush vs Clinton. Election time is my sport, I love the chaos, the buzz, the thrill of election night and everything leading up to it. And that election night felt like no other, it felt wrong. Trump ran away with so many bellwhether counties, turnout was reportedly low in critical urban areas, but then the vote counting stopped that night. That was the weirdest red flag ever. I stayed up late, very late, nothing was going on, I went to bed.. I wake up and Biden had jumped ahead in the middle of the night? Yeah it was really odd.

Maybe the mass mail in voting made all of the old measures obsolete. Maybe the bellwhether counties were meaningless with such a huge influx of votes. Maybe a crapton more people did vote because it was so easy. Maybe the votes were mostly legitimate, but the way they changed the system was not legitimate. They changed our system on a dime, and The RNC/Trump did not have the time to even consider how such a change might affect the election dynamic, let alone have time to figure out how to deal with it. That is stacking the deck in my book.

The election was manipulated, its just a question of how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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That is the big question!

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Yeah, but you can't ignore the roll of voters casting hatred for Trump rather than for Biden.

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If this had been any other election, the haters would've sat on their couches, ate their cheetos and raged at the TV.. And not voted, as they usually do. Instead, they could paw their mail in ballots with their cheese dust stained fingers and do it. Grrr

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That is a form of cheating, but not the same as a "stolen election." I'm with Chaos Actual on this one, though for me the wild card of Cheeto Hatred makes this one 60/40 for me. Factoring in the cover up afterwards, I could go to 70/30 because I wonder what they don't want us to see behind their ivory curtains.

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I admire the amount of trust you still have in your fellow man. Seriously, I do. On voter fraud, I'm about 150/-50. I'm that sure.

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It is because I don't trust them to be competent that my numbers are what they are!

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Ah ha! That IS a good point. I guess we may need to sometimes remind ourselves that they're not always "evil": sometimes they're just stupid.

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I've said it before and I will say it again - the second American Civil War broke out on Jan. 22nd. 1973. All of a sudden individuals had the power of life and death with no need to seek approval from the government to exercise that right on the most helpless and defenseless and innocent among us - theunborn child. I dare say some people got a rush - if you will - for this power and then wanted more. Much more. Like a junkie looking for an ever higher high. And they could harness the power of government to get more or the power of the courts to get more (Hence the insane struggles over nominations to the Supreme Court where the left has always engaged in scorched earth tactics and the GOP has been slow to realize what was going on. Think Borg, Robert). But has Nick points out it has spread to the private sector with unrestrained scumbaggery for those who don't toe the line of their corporate masters - who are deeply tied to the deep state and depend on it for rising profits and thus personal gain - and thus shill for their masters to maintain their approval and thus their contracts. It has become so bad the corporations are now approaching the wokeness level of antifa. And you have to wonder if the bigger companies wink and nod at antifa and BLM and 'woke' mobs as they literally torch and destroy small businesses because they can then hopefully capture some of those little businesses business. Not realizing that in the end the power junkies will want... will need... them... to achieve their next level of power high that they lust for. Sooner or later they have to come for us. Via guns, via cancellation, via HR mandates, mass culture brainwashing, via home visits from 'caring and concerned' government employees seeking to make sure we are 'protected' from the covid. And use these tools and many others as a away to make the constitution mean the exact opposite of what it does - namely that any rights you have are at the discretion of the government (deep state) and can be revoked at any time. It

It's ugly NOW. It will get increasingly uglier.

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That tweet stream basically described my progression away from the do-nothing RNC and killed my trust in the country/system/government. I felt betrayed by it all when this happened and it made me question everything. I shed blood for this system, mine and other peoples. And I did it all for a corrupt system in service of the great lie. I now believe that the greatest threat to the American people isn't Russia or the CCP, it is the American government.

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That Bob Newheart Show made my day. That man, his humor, shaped a lot of who I am today.

Also.... VERY HAPPY ANIVERSARY! The relationship you two have is something truly special, something every couple should strive for. It's clear you two are deeply dedicated to each other, and unfortunately you don't see that so much these days. But seeing you guys inspires me to be even better in my relationship. Keep it on you two.

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You made our day! Thank you, Brother

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Happy anniversary you two! Thank you for letting us participate in some small way with you both. You guys are great! Keep it up!

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That coffee drop moment spooked me good. 😳

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Before I forget, Happy Anniversary!

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Can we pin a post for us to submit episode topics?

Also, who might've foreseen this issue? I did. Nick Cole did. Tim Pool did. How did the Pentagon miss it?


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