Like Godzilla eating a Japanese village... I was dying.

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It’s how I roll.

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If that's a sushi reference I see what you did there... if not... continue to cRuSh Tokyo!

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Apocalypse Friar is the coolest name for a not cool thing ever

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Agree. He’s a book in himself

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Many years ago, I worked in bio energy. A great way to misspend your youth.

As part of that job, I was invited to a reception with a delegation from California. A lady who worked in Gray Davis's regime (remember him? Good times!) was there.

She was a very odd person. Over dinner she was commenting how many "emitters and breeders" needed to be "pruned'. She was hoping for a plague to 'clean things up'.

At first, I thought it was the game some Cali's do of "poking the hayseeds!" Anyone who grew up in rural areas and then went into STEM has experienced the sneers and mockery of "I am better than you since I know Y person and live in X!" But this lady was not doing that. She was serious

When the Vid started, I thought of that very uncomfortable dinner at the conference.

In my travels as an engineer, I have had the privilege of meeting people from all over the world, in all levels of society. I have drank whisky with people who couldn't afford it and drank wine with people who would spend $500 on a dinner wine.

I learned a few things. People are people. The type of person who would use eminent domain to remove your house so they can have a better view are the type of people who would let their dog poop on your yard and not pick it up. The man who would share with you a case of beer and hamburgers that he really can not afford would be the same man who would quietly buy you a case of your favorite scotch and have it delivered to your hotel on your birthday.

But it is harder to be a good (not nice, good) person the higher you go. You lose perspective. You stop thinking about people you influence as people, and more as items. Managing large projects, that was a very easy thing to do, but I thank God for my Dad, who would go out of his way to talk to the garbage man in order to see what that guy knew about life.

Going back to yesterday, The bioluminescence tracker in the jab is concerning. In those misspent days, I used such methods. But we had to be very careful to NOT use the stuff in places where it would get into the food chain. Seems cattle could have allergic reactions to Luciferase (or as we called it firefly juice). It was used as a tracker for some GMO strains of corn. But here is the thing that concerns me. You can't just put it in a shot and expect it to remain very long. Our bodies are very, very good at breaking down enzymes. It has to be spliced into the DNA of the organism to be constantly replicated. So if it is in the jab, and is detected in the blood (man I wish I had my old lab), it is being made by the the jabbed.

Enough for now. Early day today and I have been drinking way to much coffee. Thank you both for my morning brain kick start.

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Wow! Agree on all points. And yeah I have experienced that snobbery too. It’s stunning in its arrogance

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"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch;"

Kipling was wise. It's not easy to stay grounded.

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I love a good conspiracy, though I have my doubts on some of them. I agree with the Tiffany Dover thing. I do think she died. She was active of facebook before she took the jab, then nothing. All she has to do is to go TV. Sure people will doubt it, but if done right, the only ones yelling, "Tiffany Dover is dead." will be the radicals. There is no convincing the radicals, but the moderates will be convinced. Of course right now, is there any moderates thinking she's dead? My guess is no as they haven't heard of her name. Yet.

I agree with the rich person mentality. When you are poor and living pay check to pay check, two bucks is a big deal. But to the rich, it's nothing. Who cares about buying an 8 dollar glass of orange juice. (Canadian political scandal.) Once they have that much money, they become the ones that matter. The little people don't. They are just the help. They aren't real people in their eyes.

A problem with them is that they think they are better than everyone else. Like Leonardo DeCRAP-A-CRAP flying to Europe in a private jet to receive an environmental award. Like AOC wanting to get rid of cows. Like Bernie Sanders being a socialist and owning three houses.

It's rules for thee, but not for me. It's all bullshit.

The left blames this on Capitalism. (A term I hate. It's FREE ENTERPRISE. Capitalism was coined my Marx to vilify free enterprise.) They say the rich turn this way and that we need to eat them. (I think they are literal at times.) It is two points.

ONE. This is the result of left leaning policies with little solid right counter-points. A healthy society is the tip of a pendulum. It's constantly moving from left to right, then right to left. Each time it does so, the bad policies (Bills, laws, legislation, executive orders, etc.) are cut and new ones created. The left can't cut the rights good policies, just as the left can't do the same. They can cut the shit policies thought. As it moves back and forth, society becomes freer and better than it was before. Up until recently, the western world is a prime example of this.

When one side stays in power, the bad policies are left to fester like a dirty wound. This explains why the Democrats thought it was Hillary's turn. They pendulum was in the left, like it belonged there. If you look at a chart showing which party has been in power more, you will see a few things. For the presidency, the split is near 50/50. But for the congress and senate, its another picture. They Democrates have the majority most of the time. (Looking at 1900s and 2000s data only.) This gives the democrats the mentality that they are the natural rulers. It is them that should be in charge all the time. (In Canada, the Liberals have that mentality.)

As for the rich, they lobby for protection, laws, and other policies that will help them. They offer to help keep the politicians in power. This props up the one side. Why has big business joined the left, the socialists? Why have they joined the side that will ultimately nationalize their businesses?

This brings me to TWO. Greed. The left calls this a symptom of the right. That's a wring. It's a symptom of being human. I have kids. I give one a pop and the other cries that it's not fair. He become envious and greedy the other got a treat. Same thing with the rich. They want more money, power, influence, etc. The poor is the same. I've worked in private business. I've seen co-workers slander others to get the promotion. I've seen them haggle for a raise, some going to extreme lengths to get it. I've seen greedy people do horrible things for things they have "earned." Studying history, its something that has happened in every society. Read Hammurabi's code of laws. There is a reason he wrote them.

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Excellent bad spot on. They do feel that they are the only ones to lead based on no evidence except that they have

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Robert Marriot!

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The Pharaonic reference (and Genesis 47) is dead on. Unfortunately so...but “So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

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Nailed it.

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