I knew about Juneteeth because I have black cousins, and they loved an excuse to eat (a family trait shared by all of us). But our personal grievance was President Wilson banning German Lutheran liturgy and burning German Bibles and hymn books. Grandpa was a boy then, and hated three things. President Wilson, "Prussians" (Nazi's) and the Gosh Darned Swedes from the next town north. Never mind Grandma was a Swede.

Something I would enjoy your insight on is the sudden "Making official" of UFO's. Is it because Covid didn't work and an new threat is needed?

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It’s seems to be something organized

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I'm pretty sure Juneteenth was last week in between Juneninth and Juneeleventh.

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I should get in on the reparations scam. I'm an ethnic minority (there aren't even 10 million of my ethnicity on the planet!) and America bombed my hometown in WW2. That should net me a few millions, right?

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