Well it looks like Wells Fargo is coming after you outspoken Christians... https://nationalfile.com/breaking-wells-fargo-cancels-lauren-witzkes-bank-account-leaves-her-stranded-out-of-state-with-no-money/

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“In times of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” -George Orwell

He had it right

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Orwell, an avowed socialist, would not be able to publish today.

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There is reports that the Federals are trying to create a federal police force. Its the reason they are calling to defund the police. The cities get bad, then Biden, or Karris steps in and expands the FBI and they disband local police. Welcome to a single Orwellian force they control. No more state and local, welcome to jackbooted thugs.

I studied the holocaust in University. Hitler ran on "Jews are Bad." He cheated and bullied his way into power. In 1933, they instituted a boycott day against Jewish businesses. This failed, as millions of Germans shopped at Jewish businesses.

But it was meant to fail. The radical Nazis posted guards in front of the businesses. They weren't to keep people out, but to record who went in. The took note of those Germans who were not on their side. They also tested the waters of German feelings.

1938. Kristallnacht. Completely different situation. The German people were radicalized that they happily burned Jewish businesses. And those that didn't were cowed into keeping their heads down.

The first Ghetto was established a year later in 1939. 1942, the death camps started.

In between 1933 and 1938, most of the German Jews left Germany. Many went elsewhere in Europe not knowing the Nazi war machine would carry them away. Some went farther afield. The number of German Jews living in Germany in 1939 with the start of the Ghettos was the smallest in Europe. They all left.

The German's wanted them to go. They wanted them to be "someone else's problem." They also wanted them to leave their "vast hordes of wealth" for the Nazi government to confiscate. So between those dates, if the Jews left all their wealth behind, they were allowed to go. Some even came back in early 1938, cause things seemed to look better for them. Then the war started and any Jew left in Germany were trapped.

Using History as a sample, I hypothesis that the Democrats are trying to create a fascist state. Honestly there isn't much difference from Fascism and Communism. Just the level of market control they allow. (Note: China now is a Fascist State. Not Communist.)

Which is why I described a bit of the Jewish history. The democrats have stated that "White Supremacy" is the problem much like Hitler did with the Jews. Jan 6th was the Reichstadt fire. Or at least what they want to make it. It's the reason for the increased controls. (https://www.military.com/video/pentagon-authorizes-national-guard-members-dc-carry-weapons) We are in the time between 1933 and 1938. This is the time where the Pseudo-Furor takes absolute control and vilifies his/hers enemy. Then there will be another incident where they get the authorization to round up the enemy. then the camps come.

It is coming. I don't know if the audits can stop it. I don't know if 2022 can stop it. So I'll ask the question again. Cause the US isn't exactly like Germany in 1933. The states have a certain amount of autonomy. Shelters to the coming storm.

So. Why are you still in California? Isn't it time to leave yet?

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I agree. That question becomes more relevant here every day. It’s stupid, violent, and dangerous here

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Come to Florida. It's still America here! And . . . we don't have THAT MANY rednecks with rebel flags!

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Nick, have you gotten to Tim Pool and turned him into a meat puppet? He's sounding more and more like you lately! He wants a glut of conservative entertainment and basically recreating an economy and system of banking and products to get away from Woke Ville. He's even making his own cola.

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Haven't listened to it yet, but email bumped it into the promotion tab. Google is censoring you silently. Will listen to it later.

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Listened to the Veritas video.

The reporter was brave, but naïve. News has been paid for by the .gov and advertisers for decades. My big sister was on the local news as a reporter, and would tell us about how, for instance, Conagra would call and say "You are going to run an article on X today" and they would. So would every station in the region, and the price of some ag commodity would change.

I am not mocking her. She is very brave. But even in the 90's J schools were pretty open about how reporters server interests, not the public.

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Three minutes in and have to do some work so will have to listen later, but I've got a bone of contention: the female version of a Karen isn't a Kyle. Karens and Kyles are natural enemies: Kyle wants to go whatever Kyle wants (usually something stupid and crazy) but Karen wants everyone ELSE to do what she wants.

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I feel like a male version of Karen would be Matthew...or maybe a Bryce Michael Kristopher. What's ol BMK doing with xisself these days?

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Male version of Karen I meant to say.

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It's getting hard not to be blackpulled, but I am convinced that's the plan. Wear down the opposition with relentless political noise and make you feel alone and powerless. But if that were the case, if they really had the power things would be much worse... Certainly I don't think they can pull the dirty tricks of last November again.

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