These days, when someone calls me a bigot, I just say "thank you".

As for the Moskva, yeah, the Ukrainians probably got her, but given the Russian navy's record, it's more likely she just caught fire due to standard treatment of Russian navy equipment. I mean, they've lost entire nuclear subs to fire, which came from bad maintenance, negligence, or sheer "what does this button do."

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The thing with the coof. It could be a bioweapon, but I still don't think they did it on purpose. I find it more likely that China messed up and someone in the lab pushed the wrong buttons, and then did what they usually: they ignored it, expecting the problem to go away by itself. Then, after some weeks where they pretended everything was normal, it didn't go away, and they panicked, and since then they're trying to control it with the nonsense we can now observe in Shanghai.

The CCP does crap like this. It's their standard reaction. Ignore it, while those in admin who may be responsible or are just connected to it in some way and could still be dragged in for responsibility are busy blaming each other, because everybody wants to keep his job.

They've been doing this for years.

Take earth quakes. The CCP usually goes to control all communication after one. As a result S&R can't be deployed as it should, so more people die, people who could have been saved. And then they lie about it. We've seen similar in floods. There was this tunnel that got flooded a few years back, and the CCP said 6 people died. Footage of the start of the flood, however, showed hundreds of cars in that tunnel, and the water was rising really fast. The real number could easily be 600, but the CCP lies about this stuff. We'll never know the truth.

It's the problem of being obsessed with trying to save face. The CCP is used to seeing problems go away by ignoring them and/or lying about them. And now they're starving an entire city, because this time none of this worked and their logistics are also garbage.

The repercussions this could have for China are massive. Xi is up for re-election in the party, he could be replaced over this, if the kingmakers and those who hold his leash decide he's no longer useful. A worst scenario could be escalation into large scale riots and eventually national level civil war.

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I keep seeing people who talk about vaccine injuries as unknown causes or undisclosed causes, but sudden health issues. They don't want even mention or will ignore when asked, if the person(s) have had the vaccine or not. It is as if it's not spoken about it didn't happen.

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Word is Germany wants to give the Ukraine Leopard 1 tanks, calling them obsolete and folks are saying those suck etc....yet we have never seen the Leopard 1 in combat against Soviet-Era tanks, yet the tank sucks because its' not state-of-the-art. Which is also part of the blue check mark groups and supporters are crying as to why we and NATO aren't giving the Ukrainians Abrams and Leo 2s, etc...

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Well, it’s either the Indian or the arrow. Leopard 1 has the 105mm, a good crew could smoke 2-3 T72s in under a minute, go to the next prepped position and do it again.

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We hope it can do this, it's a decent AFV, far more than others we could all name, and I would not call it obsolete. However, it's never been in actual combat, so there is that not going for it.

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We may see… if I remember right, the leopards sacrificed armor for mobility. Would love to see if the tanks are heavily modified before giving to the UKA.

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Rothman's page is making me laugh. I know more than a few messianic Jews. One is a big Lutheran, keeps Kosher, and is a heck of a funny guy.

I enjoyed the thread, though didn't post on it. I can enjoy crazy, without swimming in it.

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I just follow him for the d(/b)ad jokes. 😏

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The jokes are pretty good. He appears to be a good cook and a good science guy. I enjoy his books, though they are a different vibe than GE. Less violence. Reading the planes walker books now, and while I keep getting distracted by a book about medieval inventions (hey, I'm an engineer and we like old school sometimes), I keep reading it when I have a chance.

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I did want the burger

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Snowbird inuit demi goddess... Alpha Flight... Wolverine came from the team. 50 year old comic nerd.

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I have a 13 year old with either Long COVID or vaccine injury (she got one vaxx before I got wise) and it's incredibly frustrating for her and me because I failed to protect my child. The symptoms are diverse and medically they can't find a reason. She's one of 3 of us that got one vaxx and 2 others got 2 vaxx' but she's the only one having trouble. Only one of three that got COVID with long COVID.

It's maddening. The world's going to hell and our citizens have no government defending us. God help us all. God has been nudging me for a long time for this... And as usual I'd rather not do what he wants but I will. He knew I would. If it's something violent it's not God talking to you.... If it's something you really don't wanna do.... You know who it is.

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So we are looking at the coming age of Megacorperation who conduct wars outside of government okay and help...

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Wait, you're allowed to separate the art from the artist!? 🤔 That was probably the norm in society before the internet age met the religion of virtue signaling, wokism. I would like to stick to that policy, but I am convinced that the only way to curtail the corporate cheerleading of progressive policies (like Disney's insane trans the kids crusade) is to stop giving them money. At least until they realize they too can go the way of Sears, K-Mart, and other once ubiquitous brands and reform their ways. Alternatively they might simply be fired after a change in management like Elon is trying to perform on Twitter.

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Other half of the battle is red lasers and blue lasers.

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Got kinda shook at the theory of old Vlad sending deadlined tanks and conscripts in the first wave to suck up the Javelin and NLAWs all up before the tier 1 units come out to play….

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Re: the religion thing.. it's not that they hate religion, after all, they are adopting it. They hate being called out for being deficient, wrong, terrible, or sinners. The lord of this earth is happy to urge them on in the inverted religion (worship of evil, of sin, of self), and they are happy to adopt it, and to enforce the law of earth for the powers that be. It gives them power over the earth, which is their place and their right as a tool of the one who is given the temporary earthly authority. It is rare for /ourguys/ to receive earthly power, and I think that is by design.

Anyway, non-theological summary: it's a lot easier to ritualize embracing and celebrating sin, self, and earthly power than it is to reflect, genuflect, or repent. the easier path is the one more often taken.

re: russian old forces, yes. if you look at all the early "ridicule" posts of russian equipment being broken, dirty, etc (and therefore basically uncapturable), and you consider russia's size and military budget, i have a feeling that they are basically throwing their trash in first, with their unseasoned troops, and we will see how this goes.

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