Steve Kirsch Article about the snake venom Covid theory - video link contained within: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/what-i-think-of-the-bryan-ardis-video?r=kjd13&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Video of Shanghai Screaming (and the bags of cats) https://battleplan.news/watch?id=62546cb67efd276ceeeb8291

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The Subway shooting it seems that 3 cameras in the area of shooting ALL malfunctioned at the same time during the shooting. Or so the New York Transit Authority and NYPD claims, oh and the shooter dropped his credit card as well...not even sure what's really any more.

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The thing about cameras is even if they're working they don't stop anyone from doing anything in an open or public space. Storytime 1: I was the team leader for a troubled trooper. How troubled? Well he was a bad conduct discharge in the 90's and only let back in because OIF had just peaked and we needed warm bodies. So we are overseas and dude steals a clothing item from the FOB PX, like a $12 neck gaiter and gets caught. This is a few days after he finally got promoted to PFC. So me and his 40-year old ass (remember warm bodies) get to stand at parade rest in front of the Battalion Commander's desk while he delivers the gospel. Fortunately for this guy no CM charges were preferred because the surveillance footage was poor quality and they were trying to rehab him. Of course this didn't stop him from engaging in more mischief and basically being fired from our staff section... But that's another story.

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Story number two is more recent. A coworker and I were on standby at a VA Hospital and walking around the parking lot last month. We caught a guy under some poor schmuck's Toyota Tacoma sawing off the catalytic converter. Once he noticed us he wiggled out and booked it. However he left the converter, his saw, a backpack- oh and his wallet with photo ID, a really good picture of him. The VA Police were pretty happy with that evidence.

Not saying that the NY stuff isn't glowie shenanigans, but weird stuff does happen in the heat of the crime.

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Bill Maher is the least reliable weathervane. Constantly behind the curve and only mildly provocative. I kinda wish his show would be cancelled and something better would take its place. It says a lot about how whipped righties are that so many are happy when he maybe kinda agrees with us at the exact time it matters the least.

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Bird flu is hitting Iowa pretty hard. Millions of chickens have been destroyed.

Another data point about the antibiotics shortage. We import a lot from India and China. Also when you have high concentrations of animals in a small area, you must have medical supplies or one sick cow get the herd culled. The big feed lots are also worried about feed, and shipping issues have hit them pretty hard.

Farming is an industry. One bad link in the world wide supply chain and it all goes down.

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Robot hate crimes sounds like a hair band.

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The Chinese people will comply, as long as the government feeds them. But the CCP has been really bad at this. Add to that China being a net importer of food.

To make this more interesting, Xi is up for re-election in the party. Yes, he changed regulation for staying in power, etc, but there are people in the CCP and the PLA who are the king makers. Whoever holds his leash or ensures his top spot may consider replacing him with someone who can keep the CCP as the ruling dynasty, because right now? That "mandate of heaven" for the CCP is running out very fast.

Congrats on meeting your assigned FBI agent. I still have to meet mine.

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