My bad. Glad I posted those pics. Good to know they’re not relevant. You guys are the best sleuths.

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Totally building "The Nick Cole Academy of Chaos Warfare and Dank Memes" in the aftertimes lands of the Kingdom of Bro.

Just because you told us not to.

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O.E.A. is the Greek coast guard specials units. The photos are from back in September 2015


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In the 80's we had the neutron bomb. A way to have a nuclear explosion without the physical damage.

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Lentils for my Tesla, blood on the plow. It's about time to end the Monopoly.

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The Princess story reminds me of the Scorpion and the Dog and how the dog agrees with the reason the scorpion won't bite him and kill while crossing because they would both die, and yes you guessed it, the scorpion bites the dog and when asked why knowing that they would both die, the scorpion replies "It's my nature."

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Musing about nukes and the terror we used to feel at even a casual mention of their use. When I was growing up (dating myself here) we would hear the Emergency Broadcast System test sounds during afternoon cartoons, and it would scare the shit out of us, thinking "this is it, this is it those ruskie commies". After we got a little older we all agreed that if it ever happened we'd drop a hit of blotter acid and head to the center of town to watch it all happen. That was some real shit, real fear, and turns out that it nearly happened more than a few times. Nukes are still no joke.

Today it's the Emergency Alert System and now when the lights flicker I think "this is it grids going down". But Ruskies or alphabet people to blame though?

Thanks for the cast, I enjoy the side alleys you go down Nick.

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Those are Greek personnel

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Every time another social media group pops up, you see Meta or Twitter trying to shut them down or buy them. Parler, attacked and forced to play the game, MeWe same thing. Tumblr went the route of censorship right as old Zuck was looking to buy it from Yahoo. Gab catches hell daily for not playing the game. Plus others have pop-up and gone away. 4chan and 8chan all are pretty much gone. Reditt is fighting a dying battle and slowly becoming censored on what you can talk about.

Twitch and even Discord have banned folks for speaking freely. Podcasts have been shut down because of "certain" people being upset or for speaking out against the regime.

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So real-life WAG THE DOG then.

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Looks like SLOJOE tried a Reagan bluff… but he didn’t have the stones to pull it off.

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