Another banger! Keep 'em comin'!

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I don't think I have read any Raymond Chandler. I will have to take recommendations from the rest of the gang here.

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Start with The Big Sleep.

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Love Chandler. The Bgt Sleep is my go to. When you read them all the hard boiled stuff you have seen, from Bladerunner to the "special" on the TV show makes sense. It is the archetype, and a good one.

For those new to it, read them in order. Chandler imo, lost the thread toward the end, but that is ok.

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good info, but dad is blasted by fox news (paid shills for biden https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/fox-news-and-newsmax-took-biden-money) . not sure if this would convince him of anything. apparently fox says that putin is killing babies, and dad's in tears when he thinks about it.

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I am dealing with same

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Biafra was a horror show of genocide and was nothing more than the West not wanting to be seen backing the wrong side.

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Sorta like Billy talking to the ex-con about duck fat and smoking?

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You nailed the truth part. In todays world you may not speak the truth. Even then it is not enough to just abstain from speaking truth - the requirement is that you need to say "lies are truth". The west is in a precarious spot. Without men speaking truth there is only judgement coming ...and well deserved.

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