Nurse Testimony Video: https://youtu.be/5SVO0lc_1_o

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Canada Trucker Convoy GAB page: https://gab.com/truckerconvoy2022

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GiveSendGo page: https://www.givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

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David Petreaus was my Brigade commander when I was in 1st BDE 82d ABN DIV. The story was as a battalion commander in the 101, he accidentally walked in front of the Support By Fire position on a Infantry Company Live Fire and got shot in the chest.

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The reason that the media is pushing the "white supremacist", etc...is because they are using the stereotypes that many have of truck drives. Rednecks, white trash, alcoholics who come from the bottom rung of society. That is why the media will push their narrative, they need to paint hate to sell their narrative.

Also GOFUNDME closed down the money raised for the Truckers and are now saying that they (GOFUNDME) will giving it to other charities.

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GoF*ckMe has rolled over and is now refunding these donations automatically, which makes it appear that legions of people already refunded and it cost GFM money to do so, so now they're rolling over like this.

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There is a better answer to that, though what you say is true. I have family in that bubble so to speak. They live in gated communities, have "people" that clean and do their yard work, and believe themselves to be the smartest, kindest, and the true leaders of the world. They believe themselves to be loved by all of the disadvantaged, the poor, the alphabet people, and the non cis male genders.

So any, and I do many any, disagreement with their world view is hate speech. This isn't a cynical or propaganda thing, they honestly believe if you are against masks for children you are anti black. If you are against forced vaccines you are anti gay. If you drive your truck to the capital and stage a peaceful protest you are an antiSemite. Why? Because in their world view EVERYONE WHO OPPOSES THEM ARE THOSE THINGS.

Case in point. My sister works as a diversity director for a major company. She has a very nice house, drives a BMW (and mocks my F150 for being poor), has lawn staff and a housekeeper, and tells me that I need to understand the point of view of various minority groups, of which she has zero contact outside of her yard staff.

I work in a factory as an engineer. My crew is a mish mash of what I love to call Midwestern potluck. One of my guys was from northern Africa. Another from Thailand. Many from Mexico. I go to their kid's activities. I see them at their house. We share each others hopes and sorrows because we live in the same community. So when I tell my sister, "You know, a lot of my guys who are in your diversity groups are WELL to the right of me. As in wearing MAGA hats with Gadsen flags on their trucks". She doesn't believe me, because in her Lillie white enclave the only people who do such things are white cis men who hate everyone else. Saying "You are a racist!" is shorthand for "You have a view different from mine, and I do not want to think about it!"

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Great episode. Keep 'em coming.

Few aspects of the honkening that might be of interest to you:

1) the chief of security is a former RCMP sniper who resigned due to his disgust with Little Lord Fontelroy

2) this thread:


points out the extraordinary level of professionalism involved in the logistics and messaging of the convoy.

3) This author (who also has some very interesting things to say about political ponerology, ie the study of evil as applied to politics)


also notices the remarkable professionalism of the convoy leadership cadre, in particular at the level of media messaging.

Even the chosen tactics, weaponized traffic jams and honking, amount to drive warfare and psychological warfare. The use of noise to break people's spirits is straight out of the handbook.

Putting it all together, and it starts to look like this is less a spontaneous uprising, and more of a very deliberate, very carefully organized campaign orchestrated by former military professionals who know exactly what they're doing. Applied 4GW straight out of Lind.

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Trudeau is Little Castro

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Hourly, just kidding...enjoy the podcast and the information is always good.

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I'm gonna be "that guy". People are hanged. Things are hung. Trudeau and his ilk, however, might be robots, so hung would be correct.

Oh yeah, speaking of the "vaccine".

My parents got their booster end of Jan. My mother had an adverse reaction to her second shot last year, which hit her with covid symptoms. Well... With the booster she had worse symptoms, and I can only describe them as similar to a heart attack or a stroke. It started with pain in the fingertips, that pain went up both arms, into her head, into her face. Splitting headache, fever for days, face pain in the sinuses, etc. Couple of days after the shot and the worst symptoms going away she still couldn't fully lift her arms.

I was expecting my parents to whine at me that, with the vaccine mandate, I have to get the shot, because of the fines, etc. Well... that didn't happen. My dad, who is one of the most obedient people when it comes to laws and authority, did a full 180 and said that I should not get "the jab"(TM).

Mind you, I had no intent of getting it anyway.

There's also this: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/321674

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I am ok with 3 podcasts a week, but I do like the daily ones as well. Don't feel pressed to do it if it's a slow news day or there's a deadline for your full time job that pays the bills. Quality over quantity.

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No filler episodes where our hosts play volleyball on the beach and it doesn't advance the main plotline (this is an anime trope, the weebs will get it)!

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Or the random "let's go shopping!" trope . . .

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I would like an insider episode where Nick breaks down his favorite coffee making methods. But I have an addiction, not a problem, with coffee.

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I thought it was an addiction if we went to meetings?

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Re podcast cadence: I admit that I got behind and had to do some catching up but I could listen every day to the 'casts. Listening to you two has become a regular part of my day and I occasionally listen to the same one a couple of times. So yeah, keep em coming! Love the vlog too.

You two are just great, thanks for all you do.

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Since you asked, as often as possible lol. Really a few times a week would be great. I usually save them for my morning coffee. Keep it up.

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Why do I all of a sudden smell peanut butter?

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