Towing a truck requires a very big, very heavy, very expensive special vehicle. The fire brigade in my city (1.5 million inhabitants) has 2 of those. There might be 1 or 2 companies in the area that have 1 or 2 as well. It's not a very common vehicle. I doubt that ratio is different in Ottawa.
Let's assume Ottawa has 20 of those. There are 100s of trucks. It would take weeks to tow them all.
Ask not for whom the horn honks, it honks for thee.
We need that on a t-shirt!
70s Mack R600 image on the back, Nick, Merch idea! Put the phrase on the back around the truck, and "CTRL ALT Revolt There is only HONK" on the chest!
They tried to have the trucks towed, that seems to have backfired.
I read that they were all sharing info in how to disable/lock their air brakes 👍🏻
Didn't Antifa try this in Portland on the police vehicles?
Towing a truck requires a very big, very heavy, very expensive special vehicle. The fire brigade in my city (1.5 million inhabitants) has 2 of those. There might be 1 or 2 companies in the area that have 1 or 2 as well. It's not a very common vehicle. I doubt that ratio is different in Ottawa.
Let's assume Ottawa has 20 of those. There are 100s of trucks. It would take weeks to tow them all.