In 2020 I was ordered to fine people for standing too close together. It was a standing order from the interior ministry (all police in this country is federal.) Thousands of officers complied, there were several thousand fines recorded (IIRC over 15,000.)

Starting March 15 police here will be used to check on vaccine status of people in the streets. This will be done mainly during all kinds of regular interactions with police (like traffic stops, etc), but there's nothing in the vaccine mandate law that bans them from just stopping you in the streets to see your vaxx card.

There is some grumbling about it in the ranks that I hear from former colleagues, but most will obey orders without question, even when those orders are immoral, like they are in this case.

Police here had a slogan about being your friend and helper. I don't think a lot of people are buying this anymore. Protests are getting hotter, now leaving protesters and officers injured.

The way I see it, if we ever worked together on the force, and you're willingly enforcing this order, you're not my friend. You're now my enemy.

I walked out almost a year ago (end of watch January 31 2021) and I haven't looked back just once. I never fined anyone for "standing too close together." I'm glad I got out in time.

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Thank You

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It's your fault, you radicalized me!

Of course you didn't. It's the governments that are radicalizing us with their creepy new fascism.

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Thank you sir. There many I know in your situation who did not walk, and have a hard time now.

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To illustrate how bad it is now in the ranks? They removed the voluntary pastor from his position (he's a full pastor with the Church, but he serves as "police pastor" in a voluntary position) because he wasn't toeing the official line how all the "countermeasures" were a great thing.

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I am sure this was not an easy thing to decide to do. Thank you for following your conscience.

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I cannot fine people based on pseudo-science. "Too close" meant 1 meter, a bit more than 3 feet. There's no evidence it does anything. It's not just about conscience, it's about stupid. I don't want to enable stupid, I also don't want to enable this creepy new fascism that we have.

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You’re awesome. I wish there were more people like you out there.

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Most people by the flat out BS from government. The chancellor of this failed government stands there saying "the vaccine lowers the chance to end up in ICU by 90%." He's literally selling fear.

As an unvaccinated in the age group of 18-65 with no risk factors or co-morbidities my risk of severe illness from omicron is at 0.07%. The risk of ICU is lower than that. Death for me is 0%.

My dad was on the force for 42 years. He's now saying "I don't like this law, but it's the law and we must obey." He understands the "vaccines" are not doing what a vaccine is supposed to do: prevent infection and transmission. But he will obey.

I want to shake him and yell "dad, we had the Nuremberg Laws some decades ago, and millions blindly obeyed, remember how that played out?"

I'm not awesome. I only kneel for two things, and a neo-fascist government pushing flat out stupid laws isn't either.

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Read this little essay from the Great CS Lewis


For those who read this, and hope to be in the inner ring, the temptation is great. That brass ring looks so much like gold.

As the first step so minor. So easy. Yes, it may be wrong, but everyone is doing it.

That path leads to damnation. The road is wide and and easy, but is not going to a place you want to go.

My father taught me many things, but one was to never compromise on my morals. "You will fail them, but never sell your morals for gain. It is better to be able to look yourself in the eye at the end of the day than be successful and be ashamed." In my own path, I have had temptations to do things the easy way. Follow orders. Just go along. Sometimes I didn't even notice that I had slid into the easy path. I am not perfect, but I worked to remain true.

Decide what line you will not cross and HOLD TO IT. Yes, the choices are painful. Sometimes you give up what you love. I was the expert my field. But for many reasons, I had to walk away.

Even if you took the shot, or in good faith tried to enforce the mandates, reflect and think. I am a Christian, so the faith of the Thief on the Cross sustains me. He acknowledged his fault, his failings, and was saved at the very end. That gives us all hope.

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Amen to that!

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Feels like a Tom Clancy movie.

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Came across a conspiracy theory on 4chan, which I don't endorse as it's probably a bit too intricate, but I'm just throwing it out there.

Basically, the theory is that uncontrolled rage is the entire point. When the people find out that they were poisoned and had their lives destroyed over a lie, they will turn on their governments, media, and other institutions. Everything burns to the ground. Following that, "benevolent" globalist entities, which do not suffer from the total collapse of trust that makes it impossible for national governments to restore order, step into the chaos and establish the new global order.

I doubt this would work, as the hive mind reserves just as much opprobrium for globalists as for their lackeys at the national level, and generally understands who the string pullers are. Then again that doesn't necessarily argue that this wasn't the intention: the sociopaths running things have repeatedly demonstrated that they're very clever at a tactical level, but suffer from hubris and wishful thinking.

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I’ve considered this and I find it valid. Why’d they build all those bunkers In unreachable places. You want to kill humans get other humans to do it. Very effective. Not as messy as other methods.

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The one problem I see is that the global elites have not learned any history. I know Obama, for example, loved to claim that he's an avid student of history, but he has proven time and again that he knew little to nothing.

And the people have seen that the globalists are involved with the governments. Bill Gates won't be the messiah of the new world that he dreams to be. Instead he will face the wall with the rest of his cronies. The revolution his ilk dreams of will eat them and it will continue until we end up with a Lenin, Napoleon or similar.

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