Actually I have one good thing to say about Biden, hold your tomatoes! At least he understands when a politician gives a speech to the press on policy he should take questions afterwards. Too bad his handlers and water carriers think that's too much for him. (I tend to agree, but it seems like an important part of the job, and his predecessor certainly wouldn't have gotten the slack on this issue that he has.)

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I tend to agree with you on the political alliance thing Nick. Really think a new party should have been born after the last election, because the establishment GOP isn't working for a lot of people. We can coalition with them in the Senate or house for leadership and voting on our issues. But they don't deserve our loyalty or vote when they have repeatedly failed to earn and keep it. I hope it does happen in the future, probably too much inertia to change the current party from the inside.

Dems just need to be broken up for being an organized crime outfit. That's not a joke.

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I don't care what anyone says, Biden was never a good politician. He was never charismatic or personable. And he's only gotten worse with age and assumption of an executive office.

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Agree 100%!

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McConnell is not the right, he is Centrist who leans left.

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That saying is "Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse."

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