1. With respect to Adventure Man - I’m no fashion expert, but I gotta respect a guy with a theme. Mine would be flabby middle-aged guy.

2. I might choose Batman over a shaman when it comes to a rash. One of the things they aren’t going to show in a comic book is normal bodily functions like taking a dump or dealing with a rash. A guy wearing that kind suit is going to have some experience with rashes. Don’t knock that kind of experience. And Batman is going to be aware of some legit medications and not just smearing some kind of mushroom, cow dung and spit paste all over himself. Or he might, if it works, but I think the Batman would know.

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Or a kid shoots up a school and get's bail at $1000 bail...in Texas. And his parents throw a party when he is released..

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Blaming the victim too, but it was okay cause he didn't have melanin in him.

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Mexicans & south of borders already warring on the blacks for generations. Undercut on wages and take their hoods. Make a lot of sense to use them harder.

Morals generally part of American culture until recently. Now it's more alister Crowley.

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I so want to be an Apocalypse Chief

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OR the Ruin (aka the shot) is changing him?

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Nope... I misspoke... I need to be the Apocalypse Weatherman...

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"Current forecast predicts that Hurricane Rechs is set to mollywomp the eastern seaboard."

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Wonder what the proggie masses would do confronting the Evil of Ze Germans? That is a wild theory, and will be the source of many conversations on Turkey day. Wonder what it would take to make one of the Soros DAs accountable for bail reform crime?

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To me it's pretty clear that the current race narrative has been pushed specifically b y the left to further their own ends, and to the detriment of everyone else. Just another reason why the criminal conspiracy that is the Democratic party needs to not just be beaten in the "next election" by GOPe, but dismantled and crushed permanently like what Rome did to Carthage after the last Punic war. Anything else is just accepting the slow collapse of the Republic and the strangling of our Constitutional system.

I also think the GOP should be abolished (this year would have been the best time honestly). It no longer works for it's constituents interests and it's leadership is just as captured by the Swamp. These parties aren't immortal entities, they were born and they can end. We'll still have probably right and left coalitions, but a break up would allow some dynamics on many issues with crossover appeal which now are hostage to the partisan binary.

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One thing that I have grown more and more sure about is WW2 had no good guys win. It was just WW1 problems (which were controlled) on steroids. The third rails of Race, Jews, and other things like LIberal Democracy being the perfect government that flows from the post-war consensus make our Overton window of politics very..... controllable in the west. The only thing clear right now is destabilizing even that now is the gameplan and make a new Post-war consensus to control us even more now.

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Why would anyone try to save the merchandise for Wal-Mart? They fire you for doing that, expecting you to watch the merch leave. So why hire security?


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