I-MASK+ Covid Prevention & Early Outpatient Protocol Document: file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/20/00/C188FC57-74AC-400A-8F17-C64DE3942A6F/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf

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Doesn't want to download

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Here’s the screen where you can click a link to get it. Hopefully this works.

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btw iirc this is the protocol that 200+ members of congress are rumored to have followed this year since january.

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i like how you're directing people to a file directly on your phone.

i would if i could :)

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Her story is absolutely heartbreaking! Thank you for sharing it with us. I remember reading on Vox Day's blog about the rampant pedophilia in our governing elites. I initially waved it off as "conspiracy." Now . . . now, I know better. Our "elites," our " betters," are absolute Savages. They need to be dealt with. I don't know how, or by whom, but they need to be dealt with before more children are hurt.

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I live in a place with limited sunlight. But I am thinking of the solar battery

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On the using their system againsst them point, I see so many saying we shouldn't stoop to their levels and we should be better than that. I keep hearing that and then I look at the crap going and I say, no we need to dish it right back and as you said turn it into a bloated over burdened system that fails.

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Marburg? That is a slightly less nasty version of hemmorgic fever like ebola. Years ago I was in a cross functional group studying it. It was much more easily transmitted then it should have been

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Haven’t listened yet but did the Lady Medusa do a vid on the Hu?


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Wasn't several years ago, say 10 or mayb 15 years ago, they were screaming about a super bug coming and how we would not be ready for it? I recall this happen, I know I am not crazy.

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Poland is being invaded again


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