I have had a few thoughts listening to this. One. I see all the time idiots wearing masks walking down the street alone or in their own car driving. It is my opinion that if you feel that you have to wear the mask when alone, then you are senile. Do down to the DMV, hand in your drivers license. Go down to the cops, hand in your guns. Then go down to the seniors center and check yourself in. You are too far gone to be trusted with driving, weapons, and the little amount of freedom we are permitted to have.

Two. I am Canadian in Canada. Up here the media is controlled by the CBC. The broadcaster gets its money from the feds. They control what we see and here. Many Canadians hear about the horrors of what happens in Canada through the foreign press. (In this case Americans.) Post the photos of the horrors. Don't leave nothing back. The myth of Canada's greatness is just that. It's a myth. "We'll move to Canada where it's free." Said every angry Democrat after they lost.

Canada isn't free. We have no free speech. Look up bill C-10. That will put an internet Csaz dictating what I see online. (Don't get a VPN and set it to Canada. You'll be disappointed.) We have no second amendment. The rights we have are given to us from the government. Which is why they are willing to rip them away. No one cares that the pastor was arrested in that matter. We have no rights to begin with.

As a sci-fi author, I am also a futurist. I think of possibilities. I enjoy listening to conspiracy theories and seeing if they are plausible. Sometimes its fun to run with it and see where it gets things. For me the authoritarianism of Canada and the US came to mind. I tried thinking up some ways to see how the countries could turn into some form of dictatorship. I give Canada 1 in 5 odds in going totalitarian. I give the US 1 in 50 in being united and a single totalitarian nation, while 1 in 10 of multiple states breaking away. It depends on a few things. Texas independence vote being one. The US Senate removing the filibuster and packing the supreme court, Bill HS-1/ S-1, among other things.

Sorry for the ramble.


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Tit for tat (game theory) is the only rational way to teach people who behave badly how to behave correctly, but good luck with that approach in the real world.

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We have to play the game

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Looking forward to the next one, hoping you can discuss Colonial paying off the hackers! Gas is still scarce where I am. Crazy!

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