For those of you who follow my posts over on social media you’ll find that every Saturday morning I post a short meditation on Tolkíen, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, or the associated works and world building conducted by the GrandMaster of Storytelling.
Some people enjoy it.
I began this weekly post, and a secret project, almost two years ago. I did this as a response to the attacks on J.R.R. Tolkíen and his masterwork being conducted by the globalist’s orcs and their desire to rip down and destroy everything that challenged their Utopian (dystopian) schemes.
I also just love Tolkíen, the books, and I have learned much that has influenced my current projects like Forgotten Ruin.
Now, it’s time to reveal a secret project I’ve been working on. It’s a very close to the line homage to Tolkien’s work. But a new story with many familiar aspects. If you love the words and world building of Lord of the Rings, then you’ll be right at home with my attempt to create something both similar and new that adds to the style. It will be familiar. It will be new. There will be character archetypes cut straight from the rock of the Trilogy, plots, settings, and denizens, but with new twists and in new roles. It will be a new story, a new epic, told by someone who absolutely adored the source work and wanted to play in that sandbox.
Call me arrogant. Call me a fool. Call me what you want. I’m fine with whatever. But really, I’m just some kid who read the books, and then made it his life’s passion to try his hand at this kind of storytelling someday.
And now I begin. I think this will be a very big project for me and perhaps one of the major signposts of my life. I’m very exited.
How it will be done? I will be releasing weekly chapters. They will be free to all on my blog, CTRL ALT REVOLT. For the Insiders (Substack paid subscribers) you will get a recorded version you can listen to and perhaps some world building essays on the project specifically relating to the world, its myths and peoples, its languages and histories. It will be extremely familiar if you’re an adherent to Tolkíen. There will even be maps! I also intend to do a monthly book discussion via live stream. Here you can give me your thoughts, things you might like to see, and discuss events and ideas as they develop over the course of the project. You can correct me, help me, and encouragement is always appreciated right along with recipes for Second Breakfast and First Tea..
You can subscribe here if you would like to opt in on these features. Or not.
Finally, I hope it entertains you no matter how you digest it. And I offer this, a final defense of my attempt so you don’t think I’m arrogant and filled with hubris. I want you to know why I am doing this…
“Both, also, desired to make things of their own that should be new and unthought of by others, and delighted in the praise of their skill. But Aulë remained faithful to Eru and submitted all that he did to his will; and he did not envy the works of others, but sought and gave counsel.”
-The Silmarillion
It is only my desire to honor, and entertain and to faithfully imitate. Next week… Friday to be specific I will be passing through the district and you may just find a mark inscribed on your front door. I hope you’ll join me for this little There and Back Again I’ve set out upon.
Bring your walking stick, spare handkerchiefs, and perhaps… there may be dragons along the way. Thank you. -Nick
Now that's a book pitch.
"Get in the literary Hellcat losers, we're doing Tolkien stuff!"-Nick Cole 7/30/2022
You had me at, "We're doing it..."