Link to the Peak Prosperity / Chris Martenson video referenced:


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The way you're reasoning, and the way that sars2 targets a specific genetic trait of asian men, my presumption is that china was trying to engineer something that would clear their own dead weight for the coming global dominance competition, especially given the fact that they know that they have created 2 generations of an overabundance of han males with their 1 child policy that will definitely become a drain on their communist welfare system.

I think more likely than not, it escaped by accident, but once they realized how insane the westerners were about disease, they shifted gears to utilize it to destroy western economies as an aspect of the global dominance struggle. The bilderburg, bohemian grove, & other "connected" power class (including pawns like biden, harris, & governors) had a similar light bulb moment when they realized how well the disease fear was working - they also shifted gears to angle to use that fear for more division, conquering, and lasting power over the sheeple, in part by stepping toward the genocide of the resistance.

Possibly the only thing that wasn't considered was how smart the average liberty-minded american is compared to their internal test groups (incl. antifa etc).

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p.s. vax/pharma/health money people jumped on the bandwagon later, once they saw the $$'s in the gov contracts and liability waivers, plus the fact that they'll have a potential class of people who will need additional medical treatments & medicines *FOR LIFE* due to the liability-waived poisons.

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I agree that people are being dumbed down, it is easier to control ignorant people. The movie Idiocracy is quickly becoming a documentary :(

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So true!

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I've had this conversation before with friends, it is by no accident that we've made ourselves less intelligent through our indoctrination factories (i.e. public schools).

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I think it's not so much about dumbness as it is making life "easy" and getting used to being "taken care of", a la Brave New World. Just relax, you don't need to think, we'll do it for you.

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Nick, you have a point about the purpose of a bio weapon, but I think you have missed the secondary effect. A bio weapon also serves as a psychological weapon and this fulfilled that role beautifully. Actually, now that I think about it the actions of the politicians and the media give more credence to your theory of it being released by the “deep state”.

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Accidental release by China of a bug that wasn't ready for prime time. Lab admin says "Don't worry!", people start dying, ChiCom overlords assume that admin lied to save his skin like any good amoral bureaucrat would and lock down hard, everyone else starts freaking out because China is freaking out, and they sort of evolve a strategy of going to war with the bug they have from there.

The Bái zuǒ evolved their own strategy. Notice how they went from "Worrying about the ChiCom virus is racist and won't you please join your Democrat politicians at the Chinese New Year parades?" to, after containment was a lost cause, the hysterical nonsense we have today? Get a jab and have a free donut! Stay in your homes and out of the sun and next to your refrigerator full of industrial food-like products!

If the ChiComs wanted to kill us off they'd create a bug that thrives on HFCS. Turn Woke and Mountain Eww into bioweapon superchargers. Given the bug's preference the obese, maybe they were trying?

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I agree that people are being dumbed down, it is easier to control ignorant people. The movie Idiocracy is quickly becoming a documentary :(

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Dunno about you, but when I was a kid my biggest fear was quicksand. I thought we'd encounter so much of it as an adult, but that never happened. Sadly, because more quicksand to thin the heard could have saved society! ;)

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Ok, so a random thought after re-listening to this episode. What if the fatness of America is by design. We add stuff to our food that is banned in the rest of the civilized world? Look at the foods we sell for cheap, versus the fresh stuff? If you just got away from the sales tax on foods you could see a drop in cost. Maybe then social pressure could force them from fiscally scalping us? As a fattie trying to be healthier, I've found my food bills have doubled and I am eating less. This started before the Biden financial implosion and inflationary pressure. I wonder if they want us docile and easily controlled. Our enemies want us weakened and we're at a point where most of our draft age people are too fat to troop. This is the slow murder via gluttony and it is by design. By whom? That I am still toying with. Health and fitness advocates have somehow morphed into public enemies and are the true punk radicals. Weird, but reality be that way sometimes.


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I think China has multiple targets, #1 being India. India has a much higher death rate than the US.

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I think China has multiple targets, #1 being India. India has a much higher death rate than the US.

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Your final thought about was this really a Chinese weapon or from someone else...listen to Kunstler Cast episode 347 and his interview with David E. Martin. Martin is thinking along the same lines. Some very, shall we say, "intriguing" info about our savior Fauci in there too.

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Another random thought after re-listening to this episode. What if what Cuomo did in NYC with the retirement communities, what if that was by design. Their Medicaid push is bankrupting America, they know it but can't back down. Those unfunded liabilities, as predicted by conservatives, can't make something out of nothing. So now we've got a lot of people on the dole, more than we can pay for. So one way to fix this is if the elderly just... go away. If they die, then they're not draining the coffers. I think they intentionally killed the old folks, but not THEIR Nannas, to save money to bribe people in the working and voting age cohorts.

Please tell me I am crazy? I wanna be crazy, because this reeks of evil.

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You’re not crazy, we think the same thing.

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I had to rule out ignorance because they had to know. Otherwise why would they pull out their family members first? So if it wasn't on accident, then it was intentional. All we're left with is the why and whom.

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I don't work in healthcare per se but in an adjacent industry. It really is good experience working with the disabled, elderly, people on dialysis, special needs kids etc. I do think it makes you a better person, and our society needs more (voluntary, direct, and personal) service to others. One thing I think most people don't think about is unless you plan on dying young we're all going to become seniors, probably won't be able to walk or care for ourselves at some point. That perspective on how things have changed over decades is priceless as well.

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