A great show! Regarding the Nassar situation, I agree that this was a way to get access to the team trips for intel purpose.

Now, as to Cuba.... we on the ground learned stuff in Iraq. If those people want to be free and value it, then the Cuban people have to bleed for it. If we go in and kick the anthill, then they'll resent us too. No, we need to stay out of international political issues like that, we should not be the global top cop.

And finally.... the coming troubles? Well, study Ireland post-WWI for some ideas. And prepare and wait. They're trying to goad us into something, we can't let them. And don't count on our military, it's now compromised and does not represent the average American. Just like most city cops. They're arms of the DNC at this point. On the happy side, losing naval vessels to Iran shows how incompetent we are. Never stop your enemy when they're doing something dumb.

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It's kind of SOP for the FBI. How many additional people died while the Fibbers essentially protected Whitey Bulger? (And what did they -- or we -- ever get out of letting Bulger run loose that much longer?)

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I really got into the Q stuff and could give you a decent overview of what it was, WHAT it really was about, and hopefully what might happen. Hint it was a psyop but not by who everyone thinks it was.

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Excellent! Go…

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K. It Will be a bit of a workup but you want to have a link to the backed-up Q drops Here is one of the sites. https://qanon.pub/

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1. All Right, I will add to this as needed but we need to lay the groundwork. What if you were as we will define: White hats? People in key places of power: operators, Intel, spooks, and even some business and political people. You Discover with the recently spun-up War on Terror Intel systems something is off. Like Real off. Like We will start with, Trying to sell nuclear secrets(which is confirmed on open-source intel), Money funneled to know enemies, Human Trafficking being done by of OTHER Intel guys(ratlines), and etc(to satanic stuff which we all at gut level know is going on).

We know one of the Visible players being Michal Flynn who is spook and was railroaded early on the 45th Admin. Don't need to go into details on that. What we do need to address is he knew something was off on Obama when he was in the Intel world, who in the Q drops was outlined to be an agency guy from the beginning. Doesn't matter where in intel he came from that world and was groomed for the 44th Admin. and if this drop is to be believed was part of the 16 year plan to finally tip over the US since the War on Terror over stretched us.

Drop link here: https://qanon.pub/?q=16%20year%20plan

16 year plan to destroy America here: https://external-preview.redd.it/og1gzVoOGHKm-4S-eAZbqlAA7Lm3ZzszZqqyovCuZxg.jpg?auto=webp&s=454a04f874552cac3e94421c480421d9cb112989

Notice the Biden Admin seem strangely trying to rush things and how things are out of sync? That's because the plan they had does seem to be busted because of Trump's election.

Anyways, how do you deal with this level of treason? We know from experience, that I'm leaning on this room's experience here, That the media is going to just fucking deny/counter spin everything and this is the pre-2016 world we are talking about. You can't just Miltary or worse operator coup overnight and think even if you got all the people in DC at gunpoint the media who we KNOW is in all of this with the CIA won't have a contingency for this. Not to metion and Nick has a better idea than me, how many trigger pullers would be working for the black hats. It's basically the worst civil war in history and would end in at BEST most of the US ruined by violence and at the worst Nuclear armageddon on the planet.

So what to do? Well one you need control of the military with a Commander and Chief in charge that isn't actively trying to do such plan and this is where Trump comes in. We know what happened. But the Q stuff hints that these white hats including a former head of the NSA Asked him to run. Okay great, you got control but as they game theory this out even before Trump won you need to ask how do you get people awaked enough to not be used to cause a civil war? That was the reason you didn't do a coup in the first place.

Well, one you know a lot of truthers already via Open Source Intel on the web know something has been off for Decades if not a century. But you need to guide them to the intel. Two you can't let this be used against you. So timelines maybe, dates hard no, Sensitive matieral hard no because if you break rule of law to fix this you ruin the republic, and add the problem the open light web is visible to your enemies too. This is where the Q operation comes in. Backchannel comms as psyop operation for two things: Get a Critical Mass of people informed about what is going to happen so they can inform people(what I'm doing now) to stop the masses from being used as shield/weapons.(Which more and more open are waking up every day from what I can tell still.) Psyop to keep the black hats dancing and guessing exactly what the plan is since you put disinfo everywhere. This why anyone saying DATES from Q stuff is suspect.

I'm pretty sure at this point Jan 6th had to happen too because as false flags go this one is STUPIDly visible and add the info coming out every day about it makes it worse and worse.

So where are we now? I don't know for sure. I do know Q did make a lot MORE people awake about what is going on and Part of my job now is to try to get more people up to speed on what the operation was about and what is coming. A lot of the drops do give an idea it has to go this far. The black hats have to overreach ALL the way for this to work. Because if the white hats try to roll up the black hats when they still have some of the control(not political but MIND share of the people on this planet and America) they do have. It's game over. But if the Plan is still real and I do believe it is. The white hats are trying to get them to box themselves in with the final play to win which will be their undoing. (The protests in France right now with vax passports but ACROSS the WORLD against Their REAL plan to rule us) That's when the White hats can move because the people will back them and the media lost all control.

I will leave you with this about Q and why you mostly know it by Qanon

"There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.



The war has always been digital and information so that it will NOT go kinetic. That's why I'm doing this in the first place. Because I still believe the infowar will stop this because they need people like us to be grounded when all the people around us start waking up. Because they will. They will.

Replies will tell me where to go from here so let me know what I should cover next.

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This is excellent stuff and a lot of it is hard to disagree with from many angles I can see. More please…

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Except this is why they're going full CCP. They have to control information and most aren't tech savvy enough to beat that funnel. So how do you win?

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Go on.....

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The Timcast IRL episode from 7/14/2021 seems to agree with Nick Cole's recent podcast episodes. They're suggesting that the Feds are pushing hostility from the right so they have an excuse to enact CCP style government and a manager decline.

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I am afraid the US Navy would attack the Florida People heading into Cuba.

Also, notice the protests in the EU is never talked about, but it is spreading. The hit in Haiti is rolling around the news, but rapidly dropping. I expect the alphabet boys and girls to have a few fingers in that mess.

I am a fan of history (to borrow a phrase from Dan Carlin). Patterns emerge. People with lots of resources and power go bad. Some of the Roman emperors had rape pools for kids. Some of the kings of Britain had special chairs for.. well you Mom might read this. I used to be shocked when I heard of something like Epstein, but my late father once told me "The Bible says we are all sinful. So if someone is tempted, some will fall". Power is a huge temptation.

On a side note, I bet you two have amusing dinner conversation. Like the kind where half the restaurant is trying not to hear, and the other half is desperately trying to with out letting anyone else know they are listening.

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I think the balls have been cut off of most patriots. Invasion and corrective action against the politicians is extremely unlikely, more so for foreign politicians. I do think it sounds like a great idea though. About as good as similar actions on the southern border.

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They are the Clownshoes administration

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Jesus would you imagine a now battle-hardened citizenry just arriving on the shores of Miami after liberating Cuba, would be the biggest FU to the government.

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Thursday flippity flop? Are you wearing a dress Nick?

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Don't ask, don't tell!

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The Cubans have suffered enough, they don't need more leftism! 😥

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