I finished the end of the AAR on book 8 ten minutes ago. My eyes got something in them, and I’ll call my mom before I listen to this podcast thank you much. Long live Aqua Ranger.

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AWESOME! Nick you need to write a how to on this stuff, you and Jason have the idea on how to do things right when it comes to a company and fandom.

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They're already telling us the next pandemic is bird flu.

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I was about to start The Wanted when I got the notification for this. Worth the 30ish minute delay.

I guess you have to be at a certain level to get a clone after you kick the bucket. I remember growing up we would say "It always comes in threes" when celeb would die. Then over the next couple of months 2 more would pass. Now it seems like 3 per day are dropping.

Nothing to see here.

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This one was a good reminder of why the Globalites hate the US.

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Princess Kate and King Charlie are probably thudded by now

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Finally decided to read my (signed) Strange Company Voodoo Warfare. Well done! the book represents an elevation in your skills - enjoying it.

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In current news, the far left leaning Slovakian Prime Minister was just the victim of an attempted assignation while speaking in public. Reports vary on the locations of his wounds, but was serious enough to medevac him to the closest trauma center rather than straight to the capitol. Looks like a rehearsal for dealing with leaders that are pro freedom, anti unchecked immigration and border control, and won’t toe the lines for globalist. We live in Very interesting times.

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Add the Irainian head honcho too

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That was completely preventable. Flying in a VFR Huey over mountains in fog, didn't Kobe teach them anything?

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