I miss those days. Just having the time to enjoy the fun and adventure. Everything seemed like we had better tomorrow regardless of how crazy the parents made things sound or the news made it look, the future didn't seem that lost. Now I miss those days and nights of Pizza Hut, red cups and Pac-Man. Atari and Coleco, late night cable, MTV actually playing music videos. The radio having music on it. Damn I have gotten old, because all of that still feels just like yesterday not almost 41 out of 51 years ago.
I miss those days. Just having the time to enjoy the fun and adventure. Everything seemed like we had better tomorrow regardless of how crazy the parents made things sound or the news made it look, the future didn't seem that lost. Now I miss those days and nights of Pizza Hut, red cups and Pac-Man. Atari and Coleco, late night cable, MTV actually playing music videos. The radio having music on it. Damn I have gotten old, because all of that still feels just like yesterday not almost 41 out of 51 years ago.
Fight the Effect!
Fire FOR effect!
Tonight won’t last.
Cable movies and popcorn, Pizza Hut and red cups of coke, baseball and Frogger on the Atari…
That hit me hard.
You sure like to make things dark.
I like it lol