I just started writing my own book last night, I am a new writer writing, and for me, right now, I am writing for me. If people like it, cool, if they don't, kick rocks. What I write won't be for everyone, and I surely won't sensor myself. I decided to write as a way to decompress from work, and hope people similar minded like it. I'm glad when I (finally got around) to hopping on your substack (about time I know) that this is the first thing I see. You're awesome Nick!
I think a lot of promising writers hamstring themselves by taking the political garbage shoved at them in college seriously. That they must use their voice for change, they must be societally conscious, they must be inclusive, they must do X and Y from the SJW handbook. Apparently, a lot of writing professors leave off the part about being entertaining (Perhaps the syllabus is overfilled with political indoctrination. I dunno) . Some of them will learn-eventually- and some will doom themselves to continue as tortured "sandwich artists". Truth is, as you say, no matter what you write, you're gonna piss somebody off, especially in this day and age. Gotta grow a thick skin and ignore the Twitterati.
I just started writing my own book last night, I am a new writer writing, and for me, right now, I am writing for me. If people like it, cool, if they don't, kick rocks. What I write won't be for everyone, and I surely won't sensor myself. I decided to write as a way to decompress from work, and hope people similar minded like it. I'm glad when I (finally got around) to hopping on your substack (about time I know) that this is the first thing I see. You're awesome Nick!
That’s how ya do it, m’lady. If you have fun they’ll have fun! Glad you’re here! This where we break stuff!
I think a lot of promising writers hamstring themselves by taking the political garbage shoved at them in college seriously. That they must use their voice for change, they must be societally conscious, they must be inclusive, they must do X and Y from the SJW handbook. Apparently, a lot of writing professors leave off the part about being entertaining (Perhaps the syllabus is overfilled with political indoctrination. I dunno) . Some of them will learn-eventually- and some will doom themselves to continue as tortured "sandwich artists". Truth is, as you say, no matter what you write, you're gonna piss somebody off, especially in this day and age. Gotta grow a thick skin and ignore the Twitterati.