“Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in.”
-J.R.R. Tolkíen
Saruman labored long and in secret with much deception and even hateful friendship to bring his lust for power to fruition, hoarding supplies for his great plans.
Then some trees wrecked his plans and Pippin and Merry made breakfast in the golden morning aftermath. Twice.
Dawn came. Evil and all it’s plans were toppled. And we prisoners of the powermongers who’d held us in the long night of their lockdowns, those imprisoning tyrants who can never enjoy just a rasher of bacon and a simple cup of tea because they are so consumed by their constant pride and vanity, we freed prisoners in the aftermath, we enjoy those found things that evil hoarded so closely. Sitting amid the rubble, friends of freedom, experience simple wealth that ever-scheming evil will never know, nor enjoy.
Evil never wins.
Love prevails always.
These truths are ours.
We hobbits amid the rubble, enjoying our unexpected good frying in the skillet.
Podcast later today!
Have a a Free Book.
Bacon tastes like freedom!
The Lord of the Rings is such a classic. My wonderful wife bought me the newly released copy of the Lord of the Rings that actually has Tolkien's own illustrations! And, at work, I've started listening to The Fellowship of the Ring on audiobook - narrated by Andy Serkis!
Our "betters" would really do well to study Tolkien's masterpiece. We "commoners" really are like the hobbits. We love our freedom, our families, and our homes. We just want to be left alone. And, we're usually quite peaceful. But, when pushed too far, we've been known to topple dark towers and scour the evil from our neighborhoods!
Nick, have you seen the online comic, "How to Succeed like a Dark Lord" by Vox Day? https://www.arkhaven.com/comics/comedy/how-to-succeed-like-a-dark-lord