“They are not all accounted for, the lost Seeing Stones. We do not know who else may be watching!"
A palantír (/ˈpælənˌtɪər/; in-universe pl. palantíri) is one of several indestructible crystal balls from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. The word comes from Quenya palan, 'far' and tir, 'watch over'.[T 1] The palantírs were used for communication and to see events in other parts of Arda, or in the past.
Saruman the Wise, his name means ‘Man of Cunning’, was enslaved by the Palantir for of course the Dark Lord had one and was watching closely indeed. The palantir was never a tool, it was an eye used for watching, messaging, and enslavement by the flaming eye of jealous wrath that was Sauron.
Sauron is interestingly also known as The Lord of Werewolves. Think about that…
Also, Interestingly… there is a software data company that calls itself Palantir. It is an open secret that it’s a CIA front company.
An all seeing communication stone that entrances and enslaves and reports on the user… ridiculous. The stuff of fantasy. That old Tolkíen sure was a good tale teller.
Digital wallets, vaccine IDs, TiTok videos destroying and confusing young lives, manipulating elections via social media, social credit scores and denial of funds for liking guns or speaking freely, silencing some and promoting others… you carry a Palantir in your pocket every day.
“They are not all accounted for, the lost Seeing Stones. We do not know who else may be watching!"
Back with podcasts next week. Sorry, just needed a long break after turning in a book and Vegas. We miss you.
I’m working on something to block the palantirs. I call it Cor Sanctum, Mark I. I scored a utility patent and am working on the design patent. VCs like the idea until they realize that the defense industry (and the advertising industry) isn’t interested in something that can defeat their spy tech. I’m not good at raising funds so I think I’ll try to crowdfund it.
Speaking of Tolkien, how are Tap and Walker doing?