I’m coming to believe the absolute need to avoid TV/Video. The sound bites and editing shenanigans, combined with innate bias, are too easy to abuse regarding the ongoing civilizational PsyOp. See MidWit example tweet below ⬇️
So, I feel it’s time to start reading full articles and discussing so that we can figure out, together, what’s going on. Here’s 3 for today.
Here a look at how the DeepState manipulated Trump’s ego to make the Lockdowns happen. They were ready to go even before the worst of it. One on the undeniable evidence of the failure of Lockdowns (they’re coming back) And finally, let’s look at Assassins in the Ukraine to start off. Enjoy and discuss. Also… I’ve just ordered 40 copies of The End of the World as We Knew It (A well-liked Post Apocalyptic Zombie Love story I wrote. I’ll sign them and ship them to Non-Insiders for $20+$6 shipping. Insider Price is $10+$6 shipping.
Get it here by using PayPal and just pay amount according to Subscription status. If you want to upgrade to sub status (much appreciated) you can do that right now below before you start reading.
Paypal asking what this is for and my putting in The end of the world. Made my day
Say what you will about medieval peasants, they only paid about 20% of their incomes in taxes (tithes to the Church and their local lord), and they enjoyed something like 150 days off work thanks to all the feast days.
Sure, they had no rights to speak of, short life expectancies, and suffered from malnutrition and regularly faced death by famine, but their lives had certain advantages over us moderns.
But really if you want to get jelly, paleolithic hunter-gatherer gigachads is where it's at. Good nutrition not reached again until the 20th century, no such thing as law, more or less absolute freedom, and a 10-hour work week that mostly consisted of activities we now consider recreation and hobby.