It’s amazing what stands out these days as some mighty and invisible wall seems to have appeared in the midst of our fevered civilization. A wall in which everyone has fallen to one side, or, the other of.
We even look different now. Some wearing colors and hats, remaining human, others changing their very features and claiming to be new creatures altogether.
Yes. There’s a wall and the lines have been drawn.
Those that love the good on one side. Home, hearth, friendship. And freedom.
Those that seek to destroy and uproot, on the other side. Change, “progress” and, hatred. Prideful intolerance of anything they disagree with. It all must be destroyed and everything of any value must be mocked and crushed. Uprooted and burned as though Saruman’s orcs were clever-busy at “the great work” he had in mind to do.
It used to be… not as clear… who was out to get us. Corrupt us. Loot us. Imprison us. But now they seem to stand out like a black rider in the gloaming of our little shire. Twisted creatures, foul and dark, hating our homes, hearths, friendship, and freedoms. It’s easier to spot them now even though at times they pretended to be our friend like Saruman did. Or whispered lies in our poisoned slumber like Wormtoungue and the media, social and “official fact-checking approved ™️” do even now. Or when they pretended to be some twisted version of us in order to stir up trouble, blame, accusations and doubt. And thereby gain a little more power for themselves in the name of “the greater good” and safety.
Yes. It’s easier to see who is who now… and that’s not a bad thing if you’ll just admit it. Better to spot the poisonous viper, the lying charlatan, the danger and the Black Rider at the edge of town in the twilight this evening.
It’s easier to deal with them once you see them.
And you will have to deal with them when it comes time to clean your shires. Yes. You will.
And they know that too.
The most dangerous adversary is the one who pretends to be your friend. The wicked of heart never seek honest confrontation. Truthful words and the sunlight of accountability are their enemies.
The greatest ally to the righteous is a divide between good and evil. I think this opening divide is a gift from God. The lust for power eventually grows impatient.
Thank God.
I love Tolkienism Saturday! After you finish the Tolkien Project, you need to collect your Saturday posts into a book, too!